Tag: National Novel Writing Month

  • NaNoWriMo: I Wrote a Novel

    NaNoWriMo: I Wrote a Novel

    For those of you just joining us a scant five weeks behind schedule, I highly suggest you spend a bit of time reading this before continuing below.

    It’s been 30 days and I’ve come out the other side with a greater understanding of knuckle fatigue and time-management.

    Also, I wrote a novel.


  • NaNoWriMo: I’m Writing a Novel

    NaNoWriMo: I’m Writing a Novel

    Some people challenge themselves by training for a  year and then run a marathon. Some may rebuild a car engine, learn a new language or start a small business. The reward is inherent in that challenge and in an effort to maintain my personal nerdiness, avoid undue strain on my knees and keep my hands from getting greasy, I’ve decided to write a book. (more…)