Tag: Healthcare

  • The Next Greatest Generation

    The chal­lenges that face our generation are com­plex and numerous.

    This moment in his­tory has given us a bro­ken health care sys­tem and a newfound aware­ness of the energy crisis.

    Our broth­ers and sis­ters are on the front lines of two wars in a region on the other side of the world that has been fight­ing for more than a cen­tury. The rest of us are on the front lines of an eco­nomic upheaval that threat­ens our way of life. While the coun­try strug­gles, blame is dis­trib­uted and fin­gers are pointed, but to us, there is no time for blame. We have this time to begin our life’s work. (more…)

  • Different Topics Merit Different Arguments

    The Senate recently approved the motion to begin debate on the healthcare bill. This means that while Senators will be taking turns unanimously consenting to and then unanimously ignoring the statements of their fellow members of Congress, the rest of the country will be complaining about it.

    I just wanted to take moment to point out one teeny tiny flawed argument that irritates me, like the mispronunciation of February. (Feb-roo-air-ee). (more…)