Category: Blog


    For a little over a month I’ve been working on a network for college newspapers across the country to come together, collaborate and critique.

    College Newsroom Logo

    I’ve never taken a journalism class. I’ve never taken media marketing, public relations, design or any other course that would serve as a direct connection to the creation of this site. What I’ve been able to learn about newspapers, writing, design and leadership has resulted from work with peers who have balancing strengths and weaknesses. This collaboration is the backbone of the College Newsroom. (more…)

  • The Trouble with Parsnips

    Parsnips are just emo carrots.

    That’s why nobody likes them. What other vegetable can have such a sorry ass outlook on life? Cucumbers? No, you can make cucumber sandwiches. Sweet Potatoes? No, you can make sweet potato pie. (Also, to avoid confusion, just call them ‘yams’. Four syllables or one syllable; you be the judge.) Even egg plant gets to play a role in the occasional Vegan pasta dish. But, a parsnip is neglected because they are just lousy examples of vegetables in general. (more…)