Category: Blog

  • The Champions of Breakfast

    There are just some things that every guy should do.

    If a car breaks down, regard­less of the man’s per­sonal knowl­edge of mechan­ics, he should pop open the hood and take a look inside. The same goes for a pass­ing knowl­edge of spe­cific ath­letic events, includ­ing curl­ing, but above all else, mak­ing breakfast. (more…)

  • Share in the Dream

    “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true mean­ing of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,’” said Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in his speech that immor­tal­ized the ral­ly­ing cry of the civil rights move­ment and fur­ther pow­ered the wheels of progress. (more…)

  • Starting a New Trend, As We Speak

    We have a developed into a society in a hurry. We’ve created ways to connect and share in nearly live and seamless fashion. We demand high transfer rates both from technology and from human beings.

    But, there is a gaping hole where transfer speed and the description of that speed in a timely manner has been ignored or neglected.

    Either that, or I’m so fast I’m actually seeing into the future. (more…)

  • I Believe in Santa Claus

    I Believe in Santa Claus

    As often happens, children grow to a certain age and are hesitant to believe that a man comes down their chimney and rewards them for their behavior. For me, believing was never a problem. (more…)

  • You Should Drink More Whiskey

    It’s nothing personal. I just think you should have a little more whiskey in your life. If you don’t have any right now, well, then a little shouldn’t be too much to ask. (more…)

  • The Last Minute Holiday Gift Guide

    The largest gift giving holiday of the year is fast approaching and there is likely someone still on your list for whom you haven’t purchased a gift. It’s not as complicated as you may believe. Use this gift giving guide to make your season less stressful. (more…)

  • Your Utility Bills, Paid in Full

    My four utility bills (electricity, gas, water, cable/internet) come at four different times of the month. My paycheck comes every two weeks. Careful budgeting and frugality have made it possible for payments to be made on time and late fees to be avoided, but as a college student with limited income and seemingly limitless costs for education and living, there are often stretches when groceries come second to heat. (more…)

  • The Next Greatest Generation

    The chal­lenges that face our generation are com­plex and numerous.

    This moment in his­tory has given us a bro­ken health care sys­tem and a newfound aware­ness of the energy crisis.

    Our broth­ers and sis­ters are on the front lines of two wars in a region on the other side of the world that has been fight­ing for more than a cen­tury. The rest of us are on the front lines of an eco­nomic upheaval that threat­ens our way of life. While the coun­try strug­gles, blame is dis­trib­uted and fin­gers are pointed, but to us, there is no time for blame. We have this time to begin our life’s work. (more…)

  • The Importance of Trap Shutting

    Public discussion is important. Developing a dialogue and maintaining a tone of civility even in staunch disagreement is the mark of a developed society.

    President Abraham Lincoln said, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” (more…)

  • Different Topics Merit Different Arguments

    The Senate recently approved the motion to begin debate on the healthcare bill. This means that while Senators will be taking turns unanimously consenting to and then unanimously ignoring the statements of their fellow members of Congress, the rest of the country will be complaining about it.

    I just wanted to take moment to point out one teeny tiny flawed argument that irritates me, like the mispronunciation of February. (Feb-roo-air-ee). (more…)