The chalÂlenges that face our generation are comÂplex and numerous.
This moment in hisÂtory has given us a broÂken health care sysÂtem and a newfound awareÂness of the energy crisis.
Our brothÂers and sisÂters are on the front lines of two wars in a region on the other side of the world that has been fightÂing for more than a cenÂtury. The rest of us are on the front lines of an ecoÂnomic upheaval that threatÂens our way of life. While the counÂtry strugÂgles, blame is disÂtribÂuted and finÂgers are pointed, but to us, there is no time for blame. We have this time to begin our life’s work.
Our grandÂchilÂdren and great grandÂchilÂdren won’t look upon Tom Brokaw’s WWII era heroes quite the same way we do. The strugÂgles of that time period will seem a world away. It is our hisÂtory that they will read as years turn to decades and the first-hand accounts of the sacrifices made become pages in high school textbooks. A great tragedy, this loss, but a marked and not uncommon transition as the continuation of a culture shifts.
It will be our sucÂcess and failÂure that they, our posterity, will recÂogÂnize; our action to improve upon the world that we have been given that will speak to our legacy.
Already, our peers are makÂing the changes we need. Organizing to fight hunger and elimÂiÂnatÂe disÂeases. We will demand a clean earth and forgo immeÂdiÂate wealth with the underÂstandÂing that the long-term value will be far greater than we can imagine.
In this pinÂnaÂcle of our soon to be hisÂtory, we will stand strong. We will remind the genÂerÂaÂtion preÂcedÂing us that the earth is in capaÂble hands. We will teach those still to come that this gift of freeÂdom is not to be taken for granted.
We are a genÂerÂaÂtion that will treat the ill. All of them. We are a genÂerÂaÂtion that will define a sysÂtem of enviÂronÂmenÂtally feaÂsiÂble and renewÂable energy. We are a genÂerÂaÂtion that will bring peace and restructure the economy to better weather the squalls and celebrate the gains.
The chalÂlenges are great and many, but they are not unfamiliar. For centuries Americans have shown that neither obstacle nor defeat, nor fear cannot be vanquished. This is our time, our opporÂtuÂnity. We will be the era our grandÂchilÂdren will read about, the genÂerÂaÂtion that they will look to as modÂels of integrity and grace.
We will be the next greatÂest generation.
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The content above has been revised and expanded from the original publication.
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